Let’s make personalized medicine even more precise.
Your genomics give us a roadmap of your body’s unique makeup.
Pinnacle Genomic Evaluation
When a doctor evaluates your health or suggests a treatment, they’re typically working off—and comparing with—norms and averages. They’re not wrong to do so. But with genomic evaluation, we can now go a layer deeper and understand much more about your own unique body, which gives us invaluable insight to craft the best possible care plan for you. This helps you skip frustrating trial-and-error processes with things like what medications to try, and paints a helpful picture of what health risks we should try mitigating before they become an issue.
When we run a genomic test, we look for things called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), which are the most common type of genetic variation between people. They can act as biological markers and can give us helpful information about things like your risk of developing a disease, how you might respond to a certain drug, and what environmental factors you might be susceptible to. We can answer questions like what your risk is for diabetes or Alzheimer’s, or how you’ll respond to a statin medication, or what’s the best anesthetic for you, or what supplements are most important for you.
Our approach
While scientists know what some SNPs mean, we don’t yet know what all of them mean. We at Pinnacle want to give you actionable insights, so we only evaluate “clinically actionable” SNPs—it means you get real, relevant answers from your investment.
Equipped with an understanding of your SNPs, we can skip months of experimenting with different medications and supplements to see what works. We can hone right in on the most effective and holistic treatment for you, including how to prioritize exercise and dietary modifications.
Pinnacle Genomic Evaluation Services
We use a direct-care model that avoids the hassle and restriction of insurance, which means we can see patients as often as they need, take more time with them, and offer more thorough care. While we leave insurance out of the patient-doctor relationship, insurance still may cover your medications, or we may be able to connect you with coupons that keep the cost of medication to a minimum.
Book your consultation
It all starts with a phone consultation so we can get to know one another and make a plan.